How the gut plays a large role in our mental health

happy women expressing relief

We make about 400 times the amount of serotonin in the gut than we do in the brain… so why are most conventional medications only targeting neurotransmitter availability in the brain?

In naturopathic medicine, we are always digging to get to the root of the problem. So when we are experiencing chronic anxiety or depression, we need to determine why there is an imbalance in neurotransmitters… rather than simply suppressing the symptoms with a band-aid solution.

The gut and brain are intimately connected, we know this. Therefore when there is an inflammatory process occurring in the gut, this will affect the brain and cause inflammation there too.

Some refer to the gut as our second brain because it contains a big bundle of nerves that contributes to how our nervous system operates (it’s called the enteric nervous system) … therefore when we have dysfunction in the gut, we can experience various mental disorders such as anxiety, depression or even ADHD.

Medications that increase the availability of neurotransmitters such as SSRIs help a lot of people, and they certainly hold an important role in our healthcare system… but without addressing the underlying causes of why you are feeling this way, it will be difficult to achieve optimal results in those suffering from conditions such as anxiety or depression.

If you are currently taking an SSRI, do not stop your medication or taper off without consulting your doctor. This is very important!!

Hormonal imbalances can also be at the root of how you feel mentally/emotionally, along with nutrient deficiencies and issues with the HPA axis, but gut health is a factor that must be addressed.

Ready to take back control of your body?

If you’re ready to start your journey to hormonal balance or want to learn more, you can book a complimentary discovery call here.
With love,
Dr Rebecca Karlin, ND

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