Natural Anti-Aging & Mitochondrial Health

Dr. Rebecca Karlin, ND

Natural Anti-Aging & Mitochondrial Health

Dr. Rebecca Karlin, ND
Anti-aging and mitochondrial health is all the rage right now. The truth is, aging is a natural part of being alive. Of course, there are a variety of unwanted 'signs' of aging.. let's call them the by-products of aging. From weight gain or graying of the hair, to wrinkling of skin, to fatigue, arthritis, cognitive delay...

Anti-aging and mitochondrial health is all the rage right now. The truth is, aging is a natural part of being alive. Of course, there are a variety of unwanted ‘signs’ of aging.. let’s call them the by-products of aging. From weight gain or graying of the hair, to wrinkling of skin, to fatigue, arthritis, cognitive delay… It’s no wonder ‘anti-aging’ has become a main focus in my clinical practice with my patients.

The way each of us show signs of aging physically depends on a plethora of factors. One such factor that comes into play when it comes to how fast a person ages is the health of the mitochondria. But what exactly are mitochondria, and what’s their connection to aging?

What are Mitochondria? 

Do you remember back in school when they’d talk about the powerhouse of the cell? Well, that’s mitochondria. More technically speaking, the mitochondria are membrane-bound cell organelles. You can think of the mitochondria as one of the tiny little organs of each cell (yes our tiny cells have even tinier organs of their own!).

The function of the Mitochondria is largely to generate the necessary energy needed for each cell to perform biochemical reactions. The energy produced is stored in an even smaller molecule known as adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

That isn’t the only thing that mitochondria do, though. They also play a role in:

  • Metabolic regulation and cell death through the control of calcium in and out of cells
  • Regulation of the innate immune system, which is the non-specific aspect of the immune system that everyone is born with
  • Controlling the programming of cell death
  • Regulating stem cells, which are the cells in the body that produce all other specialized cells 

How do Mitochondria Get Damaged? 

One of the main ways mitochondria get damaged is through oxidative stress, which occurs when the body has too many free radicals. Research has found that these reactive oxygen species end up:

  • Causing mutations in mitochondrial DNA
  • Hindering the mitochondria’s ability to perform the tasks needed to form ATP
  • Altering the membranes ability to allow substances to flow through it
  • Changing how effective the mitochondria’s defense systems are

These changes in the mitochondria driven by oxidative stress have been shown to trigger the development of several diseases, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and ALS. Metabolic disorders, cardiac disease, and cancer are also driven by mitochondrial dysfunction.

Other causes of mitochondrial damage include:

  • Pathogens such as viruses or bacteria
  • Parasites
  • Heavy metal toxicity
  • Medications

Mitochondrial Damage and Aging 

As you know now, anti-aging is largely rooted in our mitochondrial health. The interesting piece here is that aging itself can actually cause mitochondrial damage, which although is unavoidable, can be mitigated with the right support. The DNA volume, function, and integrity of mitochondria in the body decrease as the years wane by. As this occurs, the body has limited ability to create ATP, a lowered capacity for proper oxidation, and compromised antioxidant defences.

In simpler terms, mitochondrial damage as you age can lead you to become more susceptible to oxidative stress and thus chronic illness and disease and accelerated whole-body aging. Now you might be wondering.. “Well isn’t there anything I can do to prevent this?!” This is where naturopathic medicine comes in.

Mitochondrial Restoration and Anti-Aging

Recent research surrounding the restoration of mitochondria and anti-aging has found that if we improve the health of the mitochondria, we can mitigate the unwanted physical signs effects of mitochondrial damage and hold off age-related complaints.

When looking at whether or not it is possible to restore mitochondria function, this one research paper investigated a specific signalling pathway that plays a role in initiating the downfall of mitochondria based on age. What was promising in the study was that this pathway is reversible, potentially carving a path towards anti-aging therapies when it comes to age-related degeneration and disease.

Another study published in 2020 looked at how restoring mitochondria to their formal glory could affect skin health, aging, and skin diseases.   

It found that by targeting mitochondria to boost energy production or removing free radicals, they could essentially restore skin, reduce the signs of aging, and effectively fix age-related and UV-induced skin damage. 

Final Thoughts

So, it is possible to restore and protect the health of mitochondria in the body to boost anti-aging? The science shows us YES! If you are concerned about your overall health and think that mitochondria might have something to do with it, you are in the right place. Book your first naturopathic intake with me so we can discuss symptoms, possible causes, and what you can do to improve your health on a cellular level.

Ready to take back control of your body?

If you’re ready to start your journey to hormonal balance or want to learn more, you can book a complimentary discovery call here.
With love,
Dr Rebecca Karlin, ND
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