About Rebecca
I’m Rebecca, a licensed Naturopathic Doctor, and the creator of The PCOS Plan. After overcoming my own struggle with various hormone imbalances, I have made it my life’s mission to end the confusion surrounding female health conditions and shed light on the importance of addressing all health concerns from a root-cause perspective.
I provide my patients with a new approach to health optimization because the truth is that the old ways of healing just do not work. I focus my practice on female hormone health and I am passionate about hormones, the gut, immune health and mental health, all of which have stemmed from the difficulties I have experienced with my own health.
Living optimally means living a life that is symptom-free while maintaining a balanced lifestyle. I advocate learning to live life by the 80/20 rule to ensure this balance. I infuse this notion throughout my work with my patients as we formulate unique treatment plans that best suit their lives. I strive to provide my patients with the education and empowerment necessary so that they can take back control of their own wellbeing.
I provide individualized, evidence-based naturopathic medicine to restore metabolism, balance hormones, and optimize body composition and vitality. I search for the root cause of your symptoms, and I work to treat any health imbalances so that they do not progress into disease. By delving into the deepest sources of your discomfort, treating you holistically – I use naturopathic modalities to ensure you achieve an abundantly resilient and satisfying life.
I believe that when we feel optimal, we can achieve all of our life goals.

“In my own struggle with hormone imbalances, my confidence was at an all-time low, and I lost focus on my life goals – and when I finally was able to come out on the other side… I felt free. Finally understanding that there was a right way and a wrong way to heal, I learned that I was in control of how I wanted to look and feel. Now I have made it my life’s work to help empower those who are in the same shoes as I once was. I know that it is possible for you to start living the life you’ve always wanted – without being stuck on that hormonal rollercoaster, and I am here to support and guide you through that.”
– Rebecca
If you’re ready to kick your hormonal imbalance to the curb.
I graduated with distinction from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine and Wilfred Laurier University. As a naturopathic doctor, I am trained to diagnose, treat and prevent disease using natural therapies. I have completed 8 years of post-secondary education and have passed two sets of provincial licensing board exams. I am a member in good standing with the OAND and CAND.
What Working with me looks like
I treat my patients as individuals by addressing their unique physical, environmental, lifestyle, attitudinal and emotional aspects of health. I thereby find and treat the cause of the disease without the use of pharmaceutical therapies.
I use a variety of tools to assess and diagnose your health concerns. These tests include standard lab tests such as blood and urine. I also provide various less common tests such as stool, saliva, dried urine testing and hair mineral testing.
I leverage science-based data to treat you beyond your physical body to achieve balance in body, mind and spirit.
I will
- work with you as a team to optimize your health
- be your detective. I will dig until we identify a root cause to the symptoms you are experiencing
- implement a combination of nutraceutical, botanical, nutritional and lifestyle modalities
- work to find the answers if I do not know them
- provide a safe, non-judgemental space where I can be there to listen to you fully and support you mentally, emotionally and physically
What I can help with:
- Hair loss
- Acne
- Heavy periods
- Irregular periods
- Sleep irregularities
- Resistant weight and rapid weight gain
- Anti-Aging
- Low Energy
- Thyroid disease
- Post-pill syndrome
- Mood disturbances
- Autoimmune disease
- Gastrointestinal disturbances
- Adrenal conditions